
Harnessing market analysis software to evaluate the value of buy now pay later (BNPL) services

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As retailers navigate the evolving landscape of consumer preferences and payment methods, the integration of a buy now pay later service has emerged as an enticing option. Leveraging the power of market analysis software, retailers can gain valuable insights into the potential value of incorporating BNPL services into their offerings. By analyzing transactional data, customer behavior, and competitive landscapes, retailers can make informed decisions about whether BNPL services align with their business objectives.

Understand purchase behavior through market analysis

Market analysis software is a valuable tool for retailers to evaluate purchase behavior and identify trends related to BNPL usage. By scrutinizing transactional data in consumers’ “baskets,” retailers can compare the frequency and size of purchases made by customers who utilize BNPL options versus those who do not. This analysis unveils whether BNPL users exhibit higher purchase frequencies or larger average order values, shedding light on the potential revenue impact of offering BNPL services.

Assess lifetime value

Evaluating the lifetime value of customers who utilize BNPL services compared to non-BNPL users is critical to determine the long-term profitability of incorporating BNPL. Market analysis empowers retailers to estimate customer lifetime value based on transactional data and behavior over time. By comparing the potential revenue generated from attracting and retaining BNPL customers against the costs and risks associated with offering BNPL services, retailers can make informed decisions about the viability and value of integrating BNPL options.

A credit card reader and point of sale pay pad sit on a desk. In the background shoppers and are blurred. Market analysis software can help BNPL services gain valuable insights.

Mitigate financial risk

While BNPL services present enticing benefits, they also carry inherent risks, particularly in terms of customer default rates. Basket analysis provides retailers with a mechanism to closely monitor customer payment behaviors and default rates among BNPL users. By analyzing transactional data, retailers can assess the financial risks associated with offering BNPL services and make data-driven decisions to mitigate these risks. Setting appropriate credit limits, conducting credit assessments, or partnering with reputable BNPL service providers are measures that retailers can consider to safeguard profitability.

Gain a competitive advantage with market analysis software

Market analysis software empowers retailers to evaluate their competitive advantage by benchmarking their performance against competitors who already offer BNPL services. By examining customer behavior and purchasing patterns across different retailers, retailers can gauge whether the absence of a BNPL option puts them at a disadvantage in the market. This analysis provides valuable insights into customer expectations and market dynamics, guiding retailers in their decision-making process regarding the adoption of BNPL services to remain competitive and attract a broader customer base.

Market analysis is a powerful tool for retailers to assess the value of incorporating BNPL services. By understanding purchase behavior, segmenting customers, assessing lifetime value, unveiling cross-selling and upselling opportunities, mitigating financial risk, and evaluating competitive advantage, retailers can make informed decisions about integrating BNPL options. Leveraging these insights allows retailers to optimize their offerings, engage customers effectively, and navigate the ever-changing landscape of consumer preferences and payment methods.

To learn more how market analysis software can support your retail strategies, check out these articles:
Causation vs. correlation: Basket analysis in the retail industry
Unraveling the Walmart beer and diapers market basket analysis
How basket analysis empowers merchandisers

Basket explored, now what?

Use basket insights to create and test changes on a small scale before full-scale rollout with MarketDial.