
Optimize store layouts

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Basket analysis is used in retail analytics to understand the relationships between products that customers purchase together. By analyzing the contents of shopping baskets or transactions, retailers can gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. These insights can be valuable in optimizing store layouts and improving overall sales and customer experience.

Four shelves in a grocery display filled with cheese. Basket analysis can identify what items are purchased together to optimize product and store layouts.

Here’s how basket analysis aids store layout optimization:

  1. Product Placement: Basket analysis helps identify products that are frequently purchased together. Retailers can use this information to strategically position related products close to each other in the store. Placing complementary items near each other encourages customers to make additional purchases, increasing their basket size and overall sales.
  2. Store Layout Design: Basket analysis can inform the overall store layout design. By understanding which product categories are commonly purchased together, retailers can strategically group related items or departments in close proximity. This improves customer convenience and navigation, making it easier for shoppers to find all the items they need. Additionally, store layout optimization based on basket analysis can help guide aisle placement, shelf arrangement, and display locations.
  3. Promotional Design: Basket analysis helps identify products that are frequently purchased during specific promotions or events. By analyzing the patterns, retailers can optimize the placement of promotional displays, special offers, or discounts in the store. This ensures that customers encounter relevant promotions while they shop, leading to increased sales and a more targeted promotional strategy.
  4. Space Utilization: Basket analysis can uncover underutilized areas or gaps in the store layout. By identifying products that are often purchased together but are not located near each other, retailers can identify opportunities to rearrange and optimize the store space. This may involve relocating products or adjusting shelf space to improve product adjacency and increase sales potential.

By providing valuable insights into customer purchasing behavior, basket analysis helps optimize store layouts. Through leveraging these insights, retailers can strategically position products, design an intuitive store layout, tailor promotional strategies, and optimize space utilization. These optimization efforts result in a more customer-centric store environment, enhanced shopping experiences, and increased sales revenue.

To learn more about how BasketAnalyzer can enhance your retail data analytics, check out these resources:
Enhance pricing and revenue management
Create cross-selling and upselling opportunities
Boost product assortment planning
Identify shopping behaviors and patterns

Basket explored, now what?

Use basket insights to create and test changes on a small scale before full-scale rollout with MarketDial.